Words fade?

Currently on my playlist (and for the last few weeks!) the always evolving Gorillaz band with a song that gets stuck pretty easily in my mind (as most of their songs do):


The thing is that the more I listen to their sound, the more I realize how multi-dimensional, always creative and evolving art is. Why do we stay the same, then? Putting these thoughts on black and white will make this a permanent stain, as it will stay for me and you to read again (if one feels the need, of course, no pressure!!!).

Today's fact: being around friends, of different backgrounds, that all ended up astray and found a common -temporary for some- home far from our actual home, being around them made me think how many opportunities will we get to get together like that and cook, eat, drink, listen to music and talk. I don't know if I started the discussion or I just grabbed the chance from someone that mentioned something about going to another country after this academic year. Anyhow, I asked if everybody's future plans were to leave. We were in between the first and second bottle of wine!!!

It always hits me when somebody takes a decision like that and announces it. Of course, nobody needs my permission after all, it's just the fact that one day someone really close to you comes to a casual gathering spitting out words like that that only make a fact of their decision. It looks as if that's far in the future but the fact that they actually verbalized it makes it more real than the day that they will realize their plan. It sticks, you know. And with thoughts around your mind, constantly irritating you, you start only making the possible scenarios in your mind (without even taking into account the x factor: the unknown!!!). In this case it was me thinking about my life after a couple of months without all those people around me. How would my life would be? Should I even be living here after they're gone? What's the point when you have no friends around? How can a plan that looks so far ahead stick to your head already, even though there's always the factor of "you never know"?

Why do some words stay? Why do some words hurt more and why don't we care for other ones? I never really took words into account that much, I can describe myself as an "action person". Words don't really stick that much in my head that could bother me or make me feel uneasy. So, is it the words that kind of...hurt? Or the facts that they describe? Or the person that says it?

The fact is that people don't want to stay stuck in the same situation and they want to evolve. By moving on. If I stay stuck on the words, I am losing the actions, and if I lose the action, I won't move on, right?

So, I should just drink my wine and not stay stuck on the words...Words do fade, after all, the unknown factor does remain (because who knows!!) and people do evolve, with or without you!


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